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Physical Therapy Program Curriculum and Handbooks

Physical Therapy Program Plan of Study

*Clinical Education Courses are based on 40 hour work week; credit hours assigned according to: 80 hours/1 credit

† This course is taught using a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) methodology utilizing patient cases.


First Year PT Program Curriculum

  1. Semester One
    Course Number Course Name
    PT 521 Neuroanatomy
    PT 524 Medical Foundations I: Pathophysiology
    PT 544 Interprofessional Practice I
    PT 550 Methods and Techniques I
    PT 530 Evidence-Based Practice I
    PT 570 Cardiopulmonary Systems I
  2. Semester Two
    Course Number Course Name
    PT 520 Human Anatomy I
    Human Anatomy Lab
    PT 522 Human Movement
    PT 540 Professional Development I
    PT 545 Interprofessional Practice II
    PT 551 Methods and Techniques II
  3. Semester Three
    Course Number Course Name
    PT 525 Medical Foundations II: Conditions and Syndromes
    PT 663 Clinical Interventions and Treatments I
    PT 653 Therapeutic Interventions I
    PT 531 Evidence-Based Practice II
    PT 571 Cardiopulmonary Systems II


Second Year PT Program Curriculum

  1. Semester Four
    Course Number Course Name
    PT 781 Clinical Education I (First 8 weeks)
    PT 632 Doctoral Seminar I
    PT 654A Therapeutic Interventions II
    PT 726 Medical Foundations III: Medical Diagnostics
    PT 623 Pharmacology
    PT 652 Methods and Techniques III (lecture only)

  2. Semester Five
    Course Number Course Name
    PT 641 Professional Development II
    PT 755 Therapeutic Interventions III
    PT 674 Musculoskeletal System II
    PT 675 Neuromuscular System I
    PT 672 Integumentary
    PT 654B Therapeutic Interventions II (beginning 2024)
    PT 633 Doctoral Seminar II
  3. Semester Six
    Course Number Course Name
    PT 742 Professional Development III
    PT 664 Clinical Interventions and Treatments II
    PT 673 Musculoskeletal System I
    PT 776 Neuromuscular Systems II
    PT 710 Innovative Clinical Concepts
    PT 746 Interprofessional Practice III


Third Year PT Program Curriculum

  1. Semester Seven
    Course Number Course Name
    PT 782 Clinical Education III (First 12 weeks)
    PT 765-A Clinical Interventions and Treatments III
    PT 734 Doctoral Seminar III
  2. Semester Eight
    Course Number Course Name
    PT 783 Clinical Education IV (First 12 Weeks)
    PT 743 Professional Development IV
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